A perfect start to the year 2024 with Porsche Holding as a new customer. The TPS platform of POS Solutions GmbH is taking on the complete legitimation of all Porsche Holding companies in Europe
Salzburg / Austria Porsche Holding has decided on the legitimation platform “TPS - Trusted Platform Services,” thereby setting a milestone in the company history of POS Solutions GmbH. Beginning in 2024, all legitimation services, including remote identification and electronic signatures throughout Europe, will be connected via POS’s own TPS platform. More than 17 countries will be activated in phases and will use the platform’s standard services. To that end, the companies of Porsche Holding will profit from the international legal security of the platform services. The first countries, Austria and Germany, will enter the network during the first quarter of 2024.
Go-Live Digital Onboarding and KYC Identification for Traders Place GmbH & Co. KGaA
Freilassing / Germany All the digital onboarding for the Traders Place Accounts was developed completely on the basis of POSportal technology, which also includes the legally compliant KYC identification. The platform's high degree of automation makes it not only efficient, but also particularly beneficial for customers. Traders Place is impressive with a modern, intuitive trading platform, available both as a smartphone app and a desktop version. Opening an account couldn't be simpler: The custody accounts and settlement accounts of Traders Place customers are kept at the Baader Bank. The Baader Bank in Unterschleißheim bei München is one of the leading providers of securities
Launch of the ÖRAK eSignature-Client
Vienna / Austria Digital signatures are now used in all areas of daily life. They’ve become indispensable in legal transactions, and it is paramount that they be easy to use. This is also the case with ÖRAK: Every Austrian lawyer can register for this application simply and securely via the member area on the ÖRAK website, choose from among the signature providers and pricing models, brand the areas that are visible to clients, and get started. Digital documents can also be signed via ÖRAK's confidential communication platform (without any media disruption). Dr. Alma Steger, lawyer, member of the Committee of the Vienna
UPDATE! Automatic digital onboarding for online automobile purchases and financing from the Denzel Bank
Vienna / Austria As of now, the Denzel Bank will also finance automobile purchases electronically and process them online. The POSportal platform is taking on the process steps of Examining and storing the data Identification and Contract negotiation and the digital signature. The focus is on a good customer experience, an electronic End2End process, and integrating the Denzel Bank’s back-end systems.
Pilot for the onboarding of “Book a Test Ride” started at KTM.
Mattighofen, Austria Online registration and authentication for “Book a Test Ride”: Customers must register for their test runs, especially to reserve the motorcycles. They can do so either directly on site (at the dealership) or via the internet (on the KTM website). To simplify the BATR (Book-A-Test-Ride) process for customers and dealers, the onboarding process was displayed electronically (recording the customer’s data, verifying their identity with a driver's license, and electronic signature on the rental agreement). For the test itself, “friendly dealers” were chosen to participate in the electronic onboarding and were released in the Bike Center Portal via a special role.
Electronic Signature at the Point of Sale of the Oberösterreichische Volkskreditbank
Linz / Austria Customers at the VKB can now sign electronically when making withdrawals and deposits. In the first phase, electronic signatures were introduced as standard for application at transaction counters; this was to further optimize in-branch operations with the help of automated and electronic processes. The first phase includes web-based, on-premises architecture and the use of signature tablet PCs.
Optima Bank Onboarding
Optima Bank: Optima Bank is a banking and financial service institute in Greece that not only has a full banking license but is also a member of the Athens Stock Exchange. It offers its private and business customers products and services that meet their needs. Optima Bank is headquartered in Maroussi/Athens.
ÖAMTC Reporting Server
Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle and Touring Club (ÖAMTC): The Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle and Touring Club (short: ÖAMTC) is a motor club, constituted as a non-partisan, non-profit association that claims to support and represent mobile people. The association was founded in 1946 by merging the Austrian Touring Club (founded in 1896) with the Austrian Automobile Club (founded in 1898). (Source: Wikipedia)
Automatic digital Onboarding for cash loans at the Denzel Bank
Bankhaus Denzel AG: Bankhaus Denzel Aktiengesellschaft was founded in 1991 and is fully owned by the Denzel Group, the largest multi-brand auto dealer in Austria. The Denzel Group, connects an automotive business that is rich in traditions in the foreground, whose company history reaches back to 1934 and its founder, Wolfgang Denzel, and today has a share capital of over 200 million euros.
Introducing the electronic signature and digital release process with Hammerer Aluminum Industries
The HAI Group: Hammerer Aluminium Industries employs 2,000 people. The company was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Ranshofen, in Upper Austria, with seven additional locations in Germany, Rumania, and Poland.